Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Up all night...

So, here I am, 4:00 a.m. Can't sleep. No matter how hard I try, it just isn't happening. Of course, I will probably be exhausted come 6 am when I need to be getting ready to go to the OB. Seems dinner didn't set well with me. At least all the little ones are still asleep...that doesn't happen often either! Usually, they have their radar up and know when I get out of bed. Can't tell you how many nights I spent just laying awake in bed with a child on one arm. I know, I am going to miss this. My oldest daughter is almost 15....I look at her and see a young lady trying to emerge, but it is like she isn't sure where and when to come out. She is a little is ok though...she will come around soon enough! My youngest daughter is 5...and she is really growing up too! Already helping around the house...she is my little Suzy homemaker! She loves to cook and sew and bake....all the mommy things. Of course, to hear her talk, she is never getting married, never having children (says they are too much and going to live here forever and take care of mom and dad.
I only want whatever God wants for her. Whatever His plans are for my children, that is what I want! Well, time to try to sleep, again!

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