Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Up all night...

So, here I am, 4:00 a.m. Can't sleep. No matter how hard I try, it just isn't happening. Of course, I will probably be exhausted come 6 am when I need to be getting ready to go to the OB. Seems dinner didn't set well with me. At least all the little ones are still asleep...that doesn't happen often either! Usually, they have their radar up and know when I get out of bed. Can't tell you how many nights I spent just laying awake in bed with a child on one arm. I know, I am going to miss this. My oldest daughter is almost 15....I look at her and see a young lady trying to emerge, but it is like she isn't sure where and when to come out. She is a little is ok though...she will come around soon enough! My youngest daughter is 5...and she is really growing up too! Already helping around the house...she is my little Suzy homemaker! She loves to cook and sew and bake....all the mommy things. Of course, to hear her talk, she is never getting married, never having children (says they are too much and going to live here forever and take care of mom and dad.
I only want whatever God wants for her. Whatever His plans are for my children, that is what I want! Well, time to try to sleep, again!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bed Rest + Homeschooling = Frustrations

Well, it has been one trying day! We have been homeschooling for a week now...trying to get settled into a routine, but had a few kinks the last few days. The last kink was last night. Had to make a run to the ER, an hour away at Forbes, because of contractions. Since they were timeable we decided it best to make the trip. Now, I regret it. Doc says I am doing WAY to0 much and since I don't know when to stop, she will put the brakes on for me....THAT stinks! No more cleaning, no cooking, no up and down steps, no laundry, and no more caffeine (for me that means no more coca cola). How will we manage 8 more weeks without me doing the housework.
I still can do the homeschooling, just need to do it sitting down. I can still sew, and maybe get some scrapbooking done too...I know, don't do too much. It is hard for me, I am so used to multi-tasking...well, better get back to "resting".

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Homeschool News....first week

So, we started homeschooling this week. Right now, it is just my son, Tater, first grade. Within a few weeks we will be homeschooling my oldest daughter, H.bug, 8th grade...that is a little more intimidating. We are doing it thru cyberschool. So, we will have the support of the teachers at the cyberschool, a big help! The baby is due to arrive in about 8 weeks. So, we will be really busy. Especially next fall, when we will start schooling all the kiddos at home. It is a very exciting time for us. We will have my oldest daughter in 9th grade, oldest son will be in 2nd grade, my youngest daughter in Kindergarten, and my youngest son (for now) preschool.
I am also trying to sew my youngest daughter her spring wardrobe and hoping to get her summer wardrobe started as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February...not off to a great start!

So, I thought February would be better than January...having replaced the radiator in the van, as well as the hoses and such. Ron is due to start back to work February 9, which as it approaches I am having mixed feelings about. He has really helped me while home, doing laundry and dishes.
So, last night, on the way to the doctor's office (our 3rd in a week's time) the van started acting up...overheating again. Only this time, nothing Ron did helped...turns out the engine is shot. Water mixed in with the oil. So, now we have to look for a van. There goes the income tax return. Hope the REST of FEBRUARY is BETTER!